Do you have a new SmarTrip card that you would like linked to your mass transit benefits? Lose or break your SmarTrip card? Please follow these instructions:
Step 1 - Acquire Card
Get a new card. SmarTrip® cards can be purchased at Metro stations with parking facilities, Commuter Stores, CVS stores, online, or at over 400 retail locations across the region. Please visit WMATA Sales Locations for a full listing.
Step 2 - Register Card
Log In to Your Account on the WMATA (Metro) website to register your new card and verify the name attached to the card matches your CAC name in your Participant Status. You can also add money to your personal "purse" after logging in.
Note: The MTBP Office does not have access to your WMATA login credentials. If you have trouble logging into or accessing your SmarTrip® online account to register your new card, please call WMATA(Metro) at 888-762-7874 for assistance.
Step 3 - Link Card
Link the new card to your benefits in your Participant Status. Click "Link SmarTrip® Card." You will receive an email confirmation from the MTBP office when your benefits have been reassigned to your new card. This process may take a few days to confirm. Please be advised that it can take 3-5 calendar days for transferred benefits to appear on the new card after the reassignment has been initiated.
Step 4 - Allocate Benefits
If you use CommuterDirect for MARC/VRE or a WMATA allocation account for vanpools, MTA commuter buses, etc., you will need to update your CommuterDirect or WMATA allocation account with the new card number as well.