Special Recognition

Washington Headquarters Services is honored to recognize Mrs. Josephine Ann Talipin Gazelle. Mrs. Gazelle was one of the first Pentagon employees when it opened in 1942 to conduct the business of the Department of War. On July 8, 2023, Mrs. Gazelle celebrated her 100th birthday, and in her honor, a flag was flown over the Pentagon, and she was invited on a special tour of the building. She was joined by nine family members representing four generations, including her grandson, Officer Mark Gazelle, who has served with the Capitol Hill Police for over 34 years.

Mrs. Josephine Ann Talipin Gazelle posing behind a Pentagon podium with the DoD seal on it Mrs. Josephine Ann Talipin Gazelle in her wheelchair posing next to a Pentagon podium Mrs. Josephine Ann Talipin Gazelle in her wheelchair posing in front of a statue of a large American bald eagle which is sitting atop the red, white, and blue colored letters 'USA'