Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is any procedure which is used in lieu of a formal process or litigation to resolve conflicts and issues, including EEO complaints. ADR includes, but is not limited to partnering, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, neutral evaluation, arbitration or any combination thereof. ADR is available to supervisors, managers, employees, military, and contractors. It may also be used by working groups and full organizations.
The ADR initiative goes beyond Mediation. EEOD also provides proactive Facilitation services to all within the WHS Community in an effort to enhance collaboration, communication, coordination and increase understanding amongst its workforce. The ADR program is available to all organizations serviced by WHS for both EEO and non-EEO workplace disputes. Mediation and Facilitation services are voluntary, neutral and confidential forums. The person who facilitates the ADR/Mediation is called an ADR Neutral.
The ADR Manager additionally offers training in conflict resolution skills designed to develop employee and managerial skills in resolving workforce conflict and restoring the workplace to a productive business environment.
For more information, please contact the ADR Manager at 571-372-0832 or
FY 2023 Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy