WHS is a DoD Field Activity, under the authority, direction, and control of the Director of Administration and Management (DA&M) in accordance with DoDD 5105.53 .

In performing assigned functions and responsibilities, the WHS Director reports to the DA&M, coordinates and exchanges information and advice with the OSD Principal Staff Assistants (PSAs), the other DoD Component heads, and federal, State, and local agencies having collateral or related responsibilities and functions.

WHS Organization Chart

WASHINGTON HEADQUARTERS SERVICES Director, WHS Deputy Director, WHS Facilities Services Directorate (FSD) Financial Management Directorate (FMD) Executive Services Directorate (ESD) History and Library Directorate (HLD) Human Resources Directorate (HRD) Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC) Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH)* Office of General Counsel (OGC) Customer Experience (CX) Office WHS Immediate Office Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) Equal Employment Opportunity Programs (EEOP) Plans and Programs Office (PPO) Information & Technology Mgmt Office (ITMO) / WHS CIO WHS Security Office Supported Non-Core Programs White House Support Group SecDef Mess Special Programs National Guard Bureau * AFRH is an independent agency of the Executive Branch OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (ODA&M) Director, Administration & Management OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (OSD) Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense

Visit the Pentagon


Pentagon Handbook
Screenshot of the Welcome to the Pentagon handbook cover page
Pentagon Self-Guided Tour Brochure
Official graphic of the Pentagon
Pentagon Memorial
Photo of the Pentagon Memorial