Facilities Services Directorate

FSD graphic

Facilities Services Directorate (FSD) provides comprehensive lifecycle facility management supporting the day-to-day working environment of nearly 64,000 employees of the Department in approximately 15 million square feet of facilities across the National Capital Region (NCR). The Facilities Services Directorate (FSD) supports a customer base of about 60,000 civilian and military personnel, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Agencies, and the military departments in the National Capital Region (NCR). FSD provides administrative and operational support to specified Department of Defense (DoD) activities; including space management, maintenance, repair and alteration of assigned buildings, parking, custodial services, transportation, landscape maintenance, trash and debris removal, building operations, construction management, property management, and other support services. Within this Directorate are a host of programs designed to support all whom are working in the managed and leased building overseen by Washington Headquarters Services.

Engineering & Construction Management (ECM): Safeguarding DoD’s real property investment through detailed master planning, engineering design and development, and efficient execution of major infrastructure construction projects to extend lifecycle of the facilities and provide new facilities to support changing and expanding mission. Engineering and Construction Management (ECM) is responsible for planning, design, and construction management services, and is comprised of the following FSD lines of business.

  • Engineering and Architecture Division (EAD) is responsible for National Capital Planning Commission, Commission of the Fine Arts, and Virginia State Historic Preservation Office liaison activities; master planning for facilities, utilities, and transportation; developing architectural and engineering studies; conducting design reviews, and completing selected engineering designs.
  • Projects Controls Division (PCD) is responsible for managing the DoD Headquarters MILCON program; developing FSD&rsquo ;s annual PRMRF programming, planning, and budgeting construction program; FSD-wide Quality Assurance Technical program management; ECM business processes involving standardization, portfolio-wide project cost estimating, scheduling, construction quality assurance; and project progress tracking, reporting, and transition/closeout. PCD is also responsible for ECM’s Construction-in-Progress (CIP) reporting mechanism that supports audit readiness.
  • Construction Management Division (CMD) is responsible for finalizing stakeholder requirements; managing and executing facility MILCON and Pentagon Reservation Maintenance Revolving Fund (PRMRF) repair by replacement and new construction projects located on the Pentagon Reservation and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex. These projects help improve the Pentagon community and enable customers and stakeholders to effectively execute their mission essential responsibilities.
  • Facilities Configuration Management Program (FCMP) is responsible for updating and maintaining accurate up-to-date Building Information Modeling (BIM) data, engineering drawings and related documentation, establishing a current WHS Master Record Drawing Repository (MRDR), and managing the project closeout Transition Management Program that ensures project documents are gathered and kept per records retention guidelines prior to release to the National Archives and Records Administration.

Mission Support (MS): Provides management of energy & environmental compliance, occupational safety & health services, and the fire & life safety program, as well as measures concerning transportation management and the mass transit benefit program, FSD’s financial info and performance metrics are also managed.

Business Integration Division (BID): Provides financial, public affairs, communications, strategic planning performance management and process improvement to the FSD Director and Deputy Director to:

  • Oversee the integration and standardization of FSD Business Practices and improve overall efficiency FSD.
  • Advise FSD Leaders on the business health of the organization to guide decision-making.
  • Track, facilitate and manage all FSD resources for FSD mission critical functions of the following FSD lines of business. Personnel Management, Financial Management, Acquisition Management, Real Property Management, Internal Work Process, Service Standards, Performance Analysis, Communications, Audit Readiness, Information Technology and Strategic Planning.

Directorate Management Division (DMD): Supports the WHS/FSD mission and vision by providing superior customer service to the divisions of FSD by reviewing, executing and providing oversight of personnel and workforce policies, establishing and meeting organizational goals, and serving as a point of contact and information source in support of FSD with HRD.

  • Provides guidance to FSD leadership in the areas of physical security, workforce training, succession planning, payroll, and labor management and employee relations.
  • Leads FSD efforts to implement WHS Time to Hire (TTH) model across the Directorate. Results over the past two years have been exceptional with FSD crossing the 500 mark for personnel onboard for the first time. FSD continues to leverage all the tools of the TTH model to maintain vacancies without hiring actions to below 1%.

Standards & Compliance Division (SCD): Provides environmental, safety, and fire prevention services for WHS-managed properties and enforces building code standards for facilities within the Pentagon Reservation and the NCR. This mission is accomplished through the efforts of a highly trained and dedicated staff working in partnership with building occupants and DoD components residing at the Pentagon, Mark Center, and Leased Facilities.SCD develops and implements policies for the safety and sustainability of facility tenants and operations through its three branches and outreach programs:

  • Environmental, Sustainability, and Energy Branch (ESEB) manages environmental compliance, sustainability, and energy programs at WHS-managed properties in the NCR. Through its efforts, ESEB strives to ensure sustainable facilities in compliance with relevant laws and mandates. Key services include: Stormwater management, Hazardous waste reduction and management, Implementing DoD’s Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan, Solid waste diversion, Energy management.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Branch (OSHB) works to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses through timely hazard identification, facilitating resourceful and relevant hazard abatement, and providing reliable and responsive communication. Key services include: Indoor environmental quality assessments, Chemical/physical hazards assessments and quantification, Food service sanitation, Safety and health training, Hazard control and evaluation.
  • Office of the Pentagon Fire Marshal (OPFM) protects lives and property and minimizes business/mission interruption through a variety of services that foster a fire safe environment. Key services include, evacuation route mapping, evacuation training and fire drills, fire/life safety inspection, fire extinguisher training, code compliance plan review, building code development and enforcement.
  • The WHS Facility Accessibility Task Force (FATF) is an SCD outreach program which provides an avenue for individuals with disabilities to engage with facility management. The FATF ensures that buildings owned and operated by WHS comply with accessibility requirements.

Operations (OPS): Provides building and utilities management, custodial services, maintenance/repair services, and project deliverer for the Pentagon, Mark Center, and Leased Space throughout the NCR. Manages lease administration, to include rent management and leased space reductions, space planning services and real property asset management.

Federal Facilities Division (FFD): provides top-notch facilities management for the Pentagon Reservation and National Capital Region. Preserve the institution of the Pentagon and cultivate an inspired workforce to serve the needs of the warfighters by providing comprehensive and integrated facilities management services.

  • Alterations Work Group (AWG) primary Pentagon organization to provide a full range of building alterations for tenant space on a reimbursable basis.
  • Defense Post Office (DPO) Operates from DOD’s Headquarters, the Pentagon, with a full operational site at the Mark Center, and a small satellite office at the Taylor Building (Crystal City), DPO provides services to OSD/WHS and the DOD Components. DPO coordinates “Official” mail policies and procedures with the United States Postal Services. DPO processes mail daily to include first-class, priority, registered, and certified mail.
  • Pentagon Heating & Refrigeration Plant (PHRP) provides heating, air conditioning, and uninterrupted utilities to the Pentagon Reservation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in an efficient and safe manner.
  • Property Management Branch (PMB) Provides the office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) agencies furniture and other durable office supplies and maintains property inventory of all OSD property. PMB provides office move support to OSD and are also responsible for management and oversight for two warehouse storage facilities.
  • Pentagon Building Management Office (PBMO) performs preventive maintenance, service calls, and minor repairs to building operation equipment and systems. Doing so helps extend the useful life of equipment, minimizes down time, provides a safe, comfortable working environment for building occupants, and assures that building operating equipment and systems are performing at peak efficiency.
    • Repair and Improvements program consists of repairing or restoring a roof; replacing and updating fire detections, alarms, and suppression systems. Repaving and painting parking lots; changing outdated HVAC systems, and installing handicap ramps/or wheelchair lifts.
    • Custodial and Recycling Management Program provides a full range of janitorial services to ensure a well-maintained, clean, safe and healthful work environment for building occupants. Provides recycling containers and pick-up services to support a recycling program consistent with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
    • Grounds Maintenance is the management and beautification of formal grounds and direct oversight of the associated wetland and Chesapeake Bay Resource Area. Grounds are maintained to accommodate multifunctional activities, such as official ceremonies; parades; health, physical fitness, and general recreational activities. This includes the removal and disposal of snow and ice from sidewalks and parking lots.
    • Integrated Pest Management is a Multi-faceted approach to control of common pests such as insects, rodents, birds, etc.
    • Dock Master Services is responsible for all deliveries to and shipments from the Pentagon Reservation Remote Delivery Facility in partnership with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA).
    • Special Events is responsible for the support of all authorized special events and activities within the Pentagon Reservation, to include ceremonies, corridor dedications, performances, and exhibits.

Leased Facilities Division (LFD): Is responsible for seeing that the DOD employees who are assigned space in a leased building and the Mark Center receive the services they are entitled. Generally these services are related to ensuring a productive work environment. They include the conference center management, maintenance, utilities, custodial services, repairs, and reimbursable services appropriate to the productive occupancy of their space. To report the need for a service, repair or request reimbursable alterations please call 571-372-0565.

Space Portfolio Division (SPD): Is dedicated to providing professional consultation and services to support the evolving DoD Mission by effectively acquiring and managing a portfolio of space and real property assets that meet customer needs. To meet this goal, SPD personnel provide project management for managing OSD office alterations and reconfiguration, space acquisition services through GSA and USACE contracting office, and rent billing for over 16 million square feet of office, warehouse, and special use space.